


Outlander Consulting specialises in delivering training content that tackles identified on-the-job challenges in order to provide an effective learning experience for participants. We in turn feed this experience into educational programmes, equipping university students with the practical skills and know-how to navigate real world business scenarios.

Our customised programmes incorporate a range of delivery methods that are designed specifically to fulfil participant needs.

How long are your programmes?

Programme length is tailored according to your specific needs.

Corporate training: Specific workshop themes are typically covered within a 1-3 day period. These may be positioned independently or within a broader programme. Outlander Consulting also has experience in delivering 30-day oversea programmes for corporates, designed to provide full macro-market insights into a specific industry sector following a company’s decision to invest and expand operations.

Academic programmes: Courses with educational institutions typically range from as short as 1 week (an intense China residential) to a full semester (a credit bearing course within a wider degree programme).

What support do you offer?

Our experiences range from faculty introduction to full programme design and management. Outlander seeks to complement whatever resources you already have in China. We are therefore flexible across the following items:

  • Course design, covering identification of key learning objectives, trainer appointment and planning for field visits as necessary,
  • Programme management, involving 24/7 onsite programme support,
  • Arrangement of all domestic logistics, covering accommodation, meals and travel,
  • Arrangement of activities and events, from cultural visits, facility tours, and industry speakers,
  • Translation services for supporting team members.

How do you manage safety?

Ensuring the safety of all participants is fundamental on all programmes and helps enable the positive environments and experiences that our programme deliver. 

Outlander maintains a standard protocol which includes practical measures, such as

  1. All participants will receive a name tag which contains emergency contact details on arrival;
  2. Emergency procedures are briefed upon on arrival at any new location during the programme;
  3. The onsite Programme Manager will have contact details for all key stakeholders (host facility, emergency, internal etc) to enable immediate communication with relevant persons, and
  4. Information regarding accessible English-speaking clinics will be provided to all inbound participants pre-arrival.

Inbound participants are advised to purchase travel and health insurance to provide coverage in the event of any unlikely incident.

How do I develop a programme?

The process is easy! See below:

  1. Email or call Outlander Consulting to share your ideas
  2. Outlander will provide a programme proposal for your review
  3. Confirm Outlander as your partner
  4. Outlander to organise the programme as per agreed programme requirements
  5. Programme delivery

To start the conversation, email us at


Corporate training

Our corporate training service orientate aroud the three themes of communication, leadership and cultural awareness. Right from the get go, we actively engage with you to identify real on-the-job challenges and scenarios for applying practical learning

Academic programmes

Chosen partner to universities from 4 continents, our academic programmes are customised to complement a wider syllabus. We understand the importance of academic rigour, quality and oversight and engage with you during every stage of programme planning.