The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) were launched in January 2018 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The overarching idea is to encourage nations and corporate entities to form a global partnership that tackles 17 key challenges to sustainable development.

Combined with increasing institutional investment support for entities who proactively engage with the UNSDGs, several leading firms in the world are developing 2030 Sustainable Action Plans to shift their organisation onto a path that supports the wider call towards sustainable development.

Outlander Consulting was approached by a US-based corporation, with 95,000 employees active across 175 countries, to propose a 2030 road map to achieve zero-waste for 5 manufacturing sites in mainland China.

The team involved 5 sustainability consultants, mentored by Outlander Consulting’s John Storm, as well as key representatives from factory sites and regional headquarters for both Asia Pacific and North America.

The project, which involved benchmarking standards across internal sites as well as external competitors, proposed a provisional 2030 road map with the goal of achieving zero waste across in the mainland China supply chain.

2020 saw Outlander Consulting initiate a new scope of services to organisations seeking to improve their engagement with sustainable development. Cooperating with a Fortune 500 organisation on such a critical project is an important internal milestone for all of the team involved at Outlander Consulting.