Case study

3-day course for future entrepreneurs


Academic programme


Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)


Communication skills in entrepreneurship


The course overview

After this three day session students will have a practical understanding of:

  • How to identify, communicate with, and influence individuals that can bring value and new perspectives to their businesses.
  • How to work successfully within international teams, encourage creativity in others, and ensure all are working towards the same goals.
  • The use of design thinking for entrepreneurial ventures
  • Understanding the resources available to students looking to start companies in Suzhou and other cities in China.
  • The importance of a good first impression, confidence, and a professional image as an entrepreneur.

    The client


    • 3 customised training workshops


    • 30 students from range of programme backgrounds


    Suzhou, China

    Day 1: Soft skills and cultural awareness

    • Understanding the differences between people
    • Working with other personalities
    • Convincing different personality types
    • Understanding cultural differences
    • Building cross-cultural relationships
    • The value of different perspectives 

    Day 2: Design thinking and innovation

    • An introduction to the Design Thinking approach
    • How to listen to your customers and employees
    • Understanding the target consumer
    • How to boost your creativity as a group
    • The effectiveness of focused brainstorming
    • Concept creation and evaluation

    Day 3: Bringing your idea to market

    • How to pitch an angel investor
    • The importance of confident body language
    • Storytelling in creativity and business
    • Building a business model
    • A guide to start-ups in Suzhou
    • Winning an entrepreneurship competition