Case study

4-day academic course for credit-bearing Undergraduate Summer Programme


Undergraduate summer school


Sydney University


Future of Business Innovation Study Tour in China


The challenge

Design and organise 4-day academic programme as core component of broader 10-day residential study. The aim of the credit-bearing module was to (i) understand core cultural aspects impacting local employability, (ii) explore new innovations, and (iii) realise fundamental drivers taking Chinese companies overseas.

The client

Australia’s oldest university, with a reputable global ranking consistently placed in Top 50.


  • 4 customised training workshops


15 Undergraduate students from miscellaneous degree programmes.


Suzhou, China

Employability and China Business Environment

Overviewing of key industries being supported by government policy and key trends in the employability sector. Followed by discussion on factors local employers are looking for in new employee, how to adapt to local Chinese work environment, and contrasting additional cultural factors at play – such as role of family when making personal decisions.

Delivered by Senior Management Team Professor from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

Is China the New Leader of Globalisation

Introduction to China’s political framework and how it impacts business. Challenges for SOEs in balancing social responsibility (i.e. employment) with supply-side reform (i.e. operational efficiency) also overviewed, to provide context for China’s need to invest overseas and outsource capacity via the Belt and Road Initiative.  

Delivered by Academic Director of Centre for Creative Leadership, and Li Dak Sum Chair Professor of Nottingham Ningbo University

China's Digital Revolution - Impact for Marketing

Via strategic investments by both Government and investment funds, China is developing technological breakthroughs that are revolutionalising how businesses are run and how they are communicating their messages to the market. This workshop overviewed how developments (such as WeChat) are revolutionalising our idea of web, online payments, and communication.

Delivered by Professor from Donghua University

Business in China - Planning for Change

Workshop exampled key statistics to emphasise speed of change in China, ranging from economic indicators, scale of infrastructural investment, to e-commerce overview. Following introduction of latter (with examples of Alibaba, JD, Tencent etc), the workshop highlights how traditional business models have been pushed aside and how ‘change’ must be a core focus for any company in China.

Delivered by Programme Director from Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University