Case study

30-day tailored overseas programme (China-UK) for Executives of Fortune 500 company


Executive education




CRRC International Talent Development Program (2017)


The challenge

Design and organise 1-month programme to provide fundamental PESTEL overview of UK rail sector. The programme focused on achieving the core aims of (i) meeting key Government representatives, (ii) visiting key players across full rail supply chain, from manufacturing, supplying to operating, (iii) learning from top rail consulting and research institutions about major factors impacting sector going forward.

The client

With over 30% global market share, CRRC is the worlds’ largest manufacturer of railway rolling stock and equipment.


  • 17 company visits
  • 6 cultural & team-building activities


35 management representatives from 15 subsidiaries of CRRC


United Kingdom (including but not limited to London, Birmingham, and Doncaster)

Company Visit: Transport for London

Company:  Top ranked transportation provider globally

Contact:  Head of Renewals and Enhancements Fleet

Content:  Case study on vendor procedures and site visit to largest depot

Company Visit: Unipart Rail

Company:  Majority market share of distribution of UK rail components

Contact:  Global Accounts Director

Content:  Site visit to UK largest rail distribution centre & company introduction

Guest Speaker: Independent Transport Commission

Company:  Britain’s foremost transportation think tank

Contact:  Managing Director

Content:  Overview of core rail networks and factors impacting development

Guest Speaker: China-Britain Business Council

Company:  Advisory body for official UK-China discussions

Contact:  Director for Education and Innovation

Content:  Exampling key cultural factors for CRRC’s future UK planning

Guest Speaker: Department for Transport

Company:  Government body overseeing UK rail sector

Contact:  Deputy Head of Transport Infrastructure

Content:  Keynote speech about rail sectors’ macro-environment

Company Visit: Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education

Company:  Globally leading railway research centre

Contact:  Centre Head and Board Director for MTR

Content:  4x case studies on BCRRE & CRRC cooperation across globe

Company Visit: The National College for High Speed Rail

Company:  Only training centre dedicated to HSR in the world

Contact:  CEO

Content:  Introductions to key training needs for UK HSR secto

Guest Speaker: JNCTION

Company:  Digital solutions provider for rail operators and consumers

Contact:  CEO

Content:  Overview of innovation environment in UK rail sector