Case study

2-day communication and coaching skills training for  Medical Sales Liaisons across China


Corporate training


Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS)


Capability development workshop


The challenge

Design and deliver 2 workshops on consecutive days. The first being an introduction to the global communication model and the associated skills required for new Medical Sales Liaison (MSL)s in China. The second day focused on coaching for managers in alignment with BMS’s global approach.

The client

BMS is a globally leading biopharmaceutical company


  • 2 customised training workshops


  • Day 1: 30+ Medical Sales Liaisons from across Greater China and Korea
  • Day 2: 15+ Managers 


Shanghai, China

Day 1 - morning session: Internal motivators

The morning session focused on establishing internal motivators behind participants winning mindset and communicating with people of different character styles and backgrounds. It included key components such as:

  • Identifying internal motivators
  • Understanding how to flex communication style when liaising with others
  • Broad introduction to SEM model

Day 1 - afternoon session: KOL interaction planning

The afternoon explored how to create and then subsequently build on an impactful first impression. Within the broader context of the SEM, particularly attention was given towards gaining customer insights via active listening and purposeful enquiry. The afternoon included key components such as:

  • Applying the ABCD model to make a good first impression
  • Exploring Stephen Covey’s 5th habit of Highly Effective People via application of active listening
  • Tailoring forward objectives and developing an action plan for how to apply workshop learning into every day work situations

Day 2 - morning session: Coaching skills and best practice

The morning session focused on identifying what participants are already doing and how coaching is practically applied into their work context.  It included key components such as:

  • Defining what coach means in both Chinese and Western contexts (note: significant difference!!!)
  • Participants share experiences and best practice from their own life scenarios

Day 2 - afternoon session: Internal motivators

The afternoon session focused on case studying best practice principles from BMS in other countries exploring how learning may be applied into the China context.  It included key components such as:

  • How to determine when to Guide, Empower, Direct verses Excite
  • Developing a Coaching Centric Culture
  • Introduction to the models LACES (listening), SARAH (feedback) and  PACES (coaching)
  • Practice sessions from pre-arranged scenarios